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Showing 421 – 430 of 447 results

International Chamber of Shipping Meets in London

The Board of Directors of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) representing national shipowners’ associations from the Americas, Asia and Europe met in London last week.

13 September 2013 Press Release

Shipping Industry Guidance on Environmental Compliance

This guidance has been prepared by ICS and ISF as a template for the review of company compliance programmes adopted in accordance with existing regulatory requirements, such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) International Safety Management (ISM) Code. This framework is also supported by BIMCO, Intercargo, Intertanko, OCIMF and SIGTTO.

August 2013 Guidelines | Free

Shipping Industry Guidance on the Use of Oily Water Separators

The international shipping industry (represented by BIMCO, Intercargo, ICS, ISF, Intertanko and OCIMF produced this basic guidance for management and crews, concerning the use of oily water separators, which emphasises the vital importance of strict adherence to International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements.

August 2013 Guidelines | Free

ICS Meets in Oslo

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) held its Annual General Meeting in Oslo from 5-7 June at the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association (NSA).

10 June 2013 Press Release

ICS Meets with Ministers to Discuss Arctic Shipping

At a Summit in Oslo on 5 June, Board Members of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) met with Ministers from major shipping nations and the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to discuss Arctic Shipping.

6 June 2013 Press Release

Shipping Faces Half Trillion Dollar Environment Costs, ICS Chairman Tells Nor-Shipping

Speaking to delegates at the opening of the Nor-Shipping event in Oslo today, the Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), Masamichi Morooka, said that impending new legislation to protect the environment potentially presented an additional industry-wide cost of more than half a trillion US dollars between 2015 and 2025. This is around 50 billion dollars of additional capital and operating cost in every single year for a 10 year period and beyond.

4 June 2013 Press Release

ICS Launches its Annual Review of Shipping Developments

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has published its latest Annual Review of maritime policy and regulatory developments, in advance of its Annual General Meeting, which is being hosted by the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association in Oslo from 5-7 June.

30 May 2013 Press Release