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Competition Law Developments

Anti-trust exemptions for liner shipping companies through Vessel Sharing Agreements (VSAs) bring economic benefits to both shippers and consumers

Current Issue

ICS Launches Definitive Guidelines on MLC Convention

Responding to changing regulations the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has launched of the third edition of its essential Guidelines on the Application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, the only fully up to date guide to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) for all involved with the employment of seafarers.

30 May 2019 Press Release

ICS Updates Flag State Performance Table

Since the Table was launched 15 years ago, ICS says it has been pleased by the ongoing improvement which the data has helped to demonstrate.

20 March 2019 Press Release

ICS Flag State Performance Table 2018/19

This edition has been withdrawn and replaced by the 2020/2021 edition. Intended to encourage shipowners to maintain a dialogue with their flag administrations to help bring about any improvements that might be necessary in the interests of safety, the environment and decent working conditions.

March 2019 Archive | Free

Agreement on Minimum Wage for Seafarers Announced

Geneva – 19-20 November 2018: The social partners, namely the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), convened in Geneva at the Joint Maritime Commission Subcommittee on Seafarers Wages to review the ILO Minimum Wage for an Able Seafarer (AB) provided for in Code B of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (as amended).

20 December 2018 Press Release

Start of Major UN Negotiation on Future Ocean Governance

At the United Nations in New York, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is representing shipowners at the start of a major negotiation to agree a new legal instrument for the protection of the ocean under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) – which will apply to ‘high seas’ areas ‘beyond national jurisdiction’.

5 September 2018 Press Release